“This exhibition has several layers of purpose and meaning. It captures Burra to Booleroo in the mid-north region of South Australia. I feel at home here. The landscape is distinctly Australian. My mother’s family are from Burra and my father was raised on a farm in Booleroo. For this exhibition, I returned to my roots - my heritage.”
The town of Burra, population 907, has a national significance in Australian heritage. The Burra Charter, established in 1979, is recognised as having pioneered the understanding of cultural heritage as going beyond the mere preservation of the built environment. The charter defines the basic principles and procedures to be followed in the conservation of Australian heritage places.
Booleroo Centre is a town in the southern Flinders Ranges region of South Australia. The town is located in the Mount Remarkable District with a population of 331.
As photographic art, Heritage depicts vast, dry, arid lands with desolate homes. The skyscapes are integral to this exhibition. The warmth of the red earth and dusk drenched scenes provide the temperature of the exhibtion. The treeless landscapes enhance the themes of isolation and solitude. The multiple photos of the one house - symbolises home.
“For me, the compositions have moments of beauty, lonliness, strength, emptiness, and a sense of home - returning home.
’Heritage’ Hornsby Shire Library , Sydney, 2013

‘Home is where one starts from’
T.S. Eliot